Spring Art Bazaar
Saturday March 21 10-3pm
First Colony Clubhouse
125 Pasbehegh Drive
Featuring Fine Local artisans & Authors
Be one of the first to see & purchase “
First Colony Cooks”-First Colony’s 1st neighborhood cookbook featuring 500 recipes from First Colony’s residents!
TASTE THIS!!! Several of the incredible Appetizer recipes from this book will be featured for sampling at this event!!
Kelly Charles- beautiful hand crafted jewelry including her latest hobby- wrapped sea glass
Susan Howard/Suzanne Hamlin- beautiful handcrafted handbags & accessories
Henrietta Ford- First Colony’s own Mystery author of 3 mystery novels – Latest is “
The Hessian Link”
Jenny Pritchard- Folk artist, funky folk art & earrings
Rod & Mary Lou Linnekin- amazing local & international nature & landscape photography (matted Prints & photo note cards)
Susan Gootzait- beautiful beaded necklaces, bookmarks, wine bottle tops
Ann Brown-Hailey- beautiful Czech beaded jewelry,
Relay for Life Team jewelry- made by Ann & other team members to benefit American Cancer Society ( "
Friends of Debbie"
team website is http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?pg=team&fr_id=13032&team_id=376573) for those wishing to donate to the team or find out more about the organization
Ruth Saegaesser- hand- designed eclectic Jewelry
HighStrung Beaders- 2 sisters' from Smithfield- unique Beaded Jewelry creations
Their son (& nephew) live in First Colony. They're regulars at many art events in Smithfield!
"Miles for Moms" Relay for Life Team will hold a book sale with hundreds of varied titles to benefit American Cancer Society.Team consists of several First Colony teens & their friends.
Proceeds from this event's Participant fees (
after ad costs met) will go to “
Friends of Debbie” Relay for Life team formed in 2008 in support of one of First Colony’s residents and any others who have battled cancer. It features several First Colony resident team members.
Feel free to contact Shirley Vermillion with any questions at
sjvermillion@cox.net or 564-0955
*denotes First Colony residents