Monday, December 7, 2009

Holiday Shop, Sip & Savor

Holiday Shop, Sip & Savor
Sunday December 13th 3-7pm
First Colony Clubhouse 125 Pasbehegh Drive Williamsburg 23185

Homemade Soups, Cookies, Wine, Cider & such to make Supporting Local Artisans even more of a pleasure!!! Event including drinks, refreshments & homemade soups is ABSOLUTELY Free -but donations will be accepted for a First Colony Family whose 17yo son has recently had a bone marrow transplant to help offset their exhorbitant medical bills!

Lots of Great Stocking Stuffers, hostess & teacher gifts !

Kelly Charles Jewelry- unique handcrafted jewelry
Susan Gootzait Jewelry- handcrafted Jewelry, wine stops, book marks, hors dourve servers
& intricate hand smocked children’s clothing from a friend of Susan's
Peter’s Photos-Peter Farrell’s local landscape & nature photography
OKCF- Susan Howard* & Suzanne Hamlin’s Wedgewood Inspired Christmas ornaments & jewelry
Northcott-Wilson Artisans- Julie Northcott-Wilson’s handbags, shawls, silk yarn
Henrietta Ford*- local author of 3 mystery novels-latest is “The Hessian Link”
ARTLIFE- Ellen Honich’s lovely magnetic bookmarks, fridge magnets, & note cards
Frances Jones*- lovely original watercolor paintings & prints
Andrea Deagle-"Rehubs" - handpainted repurposed hubcaps!
* denotes First Colony resident